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Interactive - Drama - Crime – Mystery
Not Yet Released
Are you ready to hunt for clues? Chief Della Wickfield has assigned you to scour Shady Acres for clues that could solve the mystery of Blanche Fairfax's stolen necklace! As you explore the hotel and study the clues, you'll venture into never-before-seen environments full of evidence to uncover, puzzles to solve, and items that could be useful later! Once you're done, report back to Chief Wickfield with the Informant Tip Sheet, but someone might be lurking about that doesn't want you to uncover the solution!


Copyright ©2004-2024 Mustache Maniacs Film Co. LEGO, the LEGO logo, DUPLO, BIONICLE, MINDSTORMS, the BELVILLE, KNIGHTS’ KINGDOM and EXO-FORCE logos, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group, who does not authorize, sponsor, or endorse this site. Adventurers, LEGO Atlantis, LEGO City, Alpha Team, Dino Attack, Time Cruisers, Ninjago, Pharaoh's Quest, Monster Fighters, and related characters are the property of the LEGO Group. Mystery at Shady Acres is Copyright ©1999, by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc. Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen is Copyright ©2004, by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc. The Citizen of the Year is Copyright ©2004, by Watson Films. ©2011-2013 CarTOON Shack & Mustache Maniacs Film Co. ©2013 College of the Canyons. DINO ATTACK: At War's End and related characters are the property of its affiliated writers. Used with permission.

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